The Eparchy of Dmanisi

 The Eparchy of Dmanisi was built in the Kvemo Kartli region in the so called Kvena Village, situated on the riverside of the Mashavera and Khrami rivers. It obtained its current title on August 18, 2003, on the Summit of Georgian Orthodox Church’s Holy Synod held in the Urbnisi Cathedral. Prior to the date it belonged to the common Priest Residence of Dmanisi and Bolnisi, and to the Tsalka Eparchy before that. The place is bordered by the Bolnisi Eparchy on the East, the Akhalkalaki and Kumudro Eparchies on the West, the Manglisi and Tsalka Eparchies on the North. The South side comprises the Georgian-Armenian border. 

Historically, Dmanisi is a major administrative, political and cultural center of the region. Occupying a strategically important territory, it attracted conquerors from early ages. But after each invasion, the devastated population always started their revival with thorough reconstruction of religious monuments.

After Georgian Orthodox Church regained its autonomy, the Eparchy was just a constituent the Tsalka Priesthood Residence. In 1995 Georgian Orthodox Church’s Holy Synod decided to separate Bolnisi and Dmanisi Eparchies from Tsalka. The glory of the two ancient and historically superb Eparchies was celebrated on the Summit of August 18, 2003 when they were both proved independent.

Ertguleba Charity Fund took part in building Dmanisi Bishop’s Residence.